Thursday, September 22, 2011

The upcoming days at SuperStar

Thursday 5 pm :
Fairathon!!! Yes the elven lady is going to spin 4 hrs of her amzing classic rock mix for you!!
4-6 pm DJ Shayne with her hardrocking Southern Comfort! 6-8 pm Grease and more! DJ Rock will get you nostalig so come in your best Grease outfit!!
6 pm The debut of the rocking DJ Skwibbs! Saturday Night Madness as we call it!
6 pm Rocking Ballroom with DJ Sufi

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New list and a thank you

As you'll see in the future you'll find all places supporting us in SL seperated on the left side of this blog. This should make it easier for your overview and convenience.

It's time for a special Thank You to our long time friends and supporters Graycon Sonata and SweetBee McWinnie! You both, in your own way, contributed a lot of help, time, effort and money all along the way to support our charity. To help  truly altruistic whenever Rock 'gainst Hunger needed you is nothing we ever take for granted. Thank you!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011