Monday, January 16, 2012

A new record!!!

Dear SuperStars and Supporters!
We got a new record to announce. :-) Within 13 days and regular parties only we received 113 000 Linden of donations! That is more than ever and we can only thank you from the bottom of our hearts for caring so much! In the name of every child we can save, in the name of all of us at RgH and SuperStar... you are the best!
Lots of love and be blessed,
Sufgania Harvy (RgH Management)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Our latest RgH Fair-A-Thon

Last Thursday DJ Fairlight, Host SweetBee and Graycon decided to do the 4 hr party called Fair-A-Thon for RgH only instead of taking tips.
The made L$ 12 000 that night so our heartly thank yous go out to Fair, Bee and Gray for spending the time and efforts and to all of our amazing supporters and SuperStars who donated so generously! THANK YOU!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

We dare to care and you rock!!!

What we have done today:

We provided water cleaning tablets for 50 000 litre drinking water!
60 portions of nutritional special milk for children that can't eat solid food!
2400 portions of micro nutriant powder for malnourished children!
1000 tetanus vaccinations!
150 portions of a special vitamin enriched peanut butter for malnourished children

(All supplied through UNICEF)

Donated EURO 150 (approx. USD 190,81) to help fight hunger at the Horn of Africa!